Save to Dropbox Web pages so you can read them later, at any time and in any place. You can save all or only a portion of the website, as well as Data from other applications, like Twitter, YouTube, and ReadKit Pocket and Dropbox Sync between Ios and OS X version, their data are available where and when it is necessary. Web archive - just 'drag and drop' or 'select and copy' to maintain Web pages and images. Twitter, YouTube - Keep your Tweets or your favorite videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Ted, etc. Article and keep - the website 'kept' closed completely offline Storage. You get the whole page: text, images and links. 'Article' produces a clean and clear, page optimized for reading and structured in Markdown.
Markdown - 'Article' is written in Markdown, highly readable and structured documents that are easy to edit when necessary. Dropbox Sync - a proven solution for synchronization with the backup cars and accessible almost everywhere. Rest assured that your data is secured and safe. Category - and stay organized and easily find what you are looking for with categories.